Why is Homeschooling Skyrocketing? Not For The Reasons Most Think

Since the 50s, society has evolved. Women entered the workforce, technology brought us all together, gender discussions opened up.

Once, success meant walking the line—doctor, lawyer, business. Straying from set career paths branded you odd, it wasn’t even an option.

The implication was clear: the socially liberated lacked resources and had little power.

Now, financial independence has caught up to social liberation. Thanks to remote jobs, contract work, platforms like Upwork, and AI, services are detached from the person behind them.

All of us have become both providers and consumers of services without ever engaging in personal transactions with those on the other side.
And so, the market has become more impersonal than ever.
Tools and platforms replace the need for societal approval.

Traditional societal acceptance is no longer a prerequisite for success.
Today, individuals with diverse backgrounds and identities can achieve financial success without adhering to traditional societal norms.
There are no outcasts in this financial landscape. Everyone finds their footing.

The digital age has democratized opportunity and ‘Schooling’ is caught in this shift.

School used to be about skill-building and learning to fit in. Now, fitting in isn’t as crucial.
This shift prompts a rethink on education.
Personalized learning is on the rise, challenging the traditional educational paradigm. These alternatives are not just about academic instruction.
They represent a new approach to preparing us for a new world; one that leans even more towards diversity, adaptability, and personal autonomy over conformity.


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