School Choice: Seeing It Through Parents’ Eyes

Tamara sits at her kitchen table, her gaze shifting between the steaming cup of coffee and a large stack of school viewbooks. Each brochure boasts vibrant images and promises of a tailored education.

Her daughter, Jasmine, with her bright eyes and untamed curiosity, has always been at the center of her mother's universe. Yet, as Jasmine navigates middle school, the challenges of mild ADHD & anxiety cast long shadows over her learning experience. Tamara observes Jasmine's teachers' earnest efforts, their expertise evident, their dedication clear.
But despite their best intentions, they are often forced to 'teach to the middle' and the traditional school setup seems to skim over Jasmine’s unique needs.

School choice lingers in Tamara’s mind, a beacon of hope and a bundle of uncertainties, all at once.

The possibility of a more tailored environment is taunting her.
Financial constraints, seem surmountable this time, with grants within reach.

Yet, doubts weave through her optimism.
In this new landscape of choice, the state’s reassuring seal of quality is absent.
Verifying the credentials of teachers weighs heavily on her.

As Tamara’s fingers trace the glossy brochures, the presidential debate on TV murmurs in the background, echoing her internal dialogue.
She picks up sensible arguments on both sides.
Feeling the weight of the decision, she considers reaching out to her anchor, her own mother, and Jasmine's grandmother. Perhaps, in that familiar voice, Tamara might find a moment of clarity, a reflection that resonates with her maternal intuition.

In the quiet of her kitchen, her thoughts focused on Jasmine's future, Tamara stands at a crossroads surrounded by the profound dance between choice and trust.


[Podcast Episode] A school with 70 Choices Every Six Weeks, Every Student a Designer, with Garrett Smiley


[Podcast Episode] A Blueprint to Kindle Fires in Young Learners, with Kelly Smith